Get A FREE Tailor Made Marketing Plan For Your Business By The Co-Founder Of Australia’s #1 Boutique Digital Agency
Get A FREE Tailor Made Marketing Plan For Your Business By The Co-Founder Of Australia’s #1 Boutique Digital Agency
What’s the single most profitable marketing strategy for your business? We’ll show for free and without any obligation on your behalf. So you can make more sales without wasting time on trial and error ever again.
And Get Roadmap To More Customers Hand Made By The Co-Founder Of Australia’s #1 Boutique Marketing Agency

This Will Be The Single Most Profitable, Unique And Downright Mind Blowing Marketing Strategy You Have Ever See In Your Entire Life, Here’s Why…

*Warning: Green laser beams may shoot out of your eyes caused by an instantaneous.dopamine explosion upon seeing your custom marketing plan for the first time.
If you want to generate more customers than ever before. While stuffing your pockets with enough profit to make you do the happy dance.
This will be the most valuable strategy session you ever attend…
Why? Because one of our brutally honest co-founders is going to hand you a step-by-step marketing plan. Which takes all the guesswork out of transforming your business from the world’s best kept secret…
Into a record shattering powerhouse that attracts new customers like a supercharged magnet on steroids. Here’s just a taste of what you’ll get when you claim your free strategy…
Are You Advertising Your Business OnThe WRONG Platform And Lighting Your Marketing Budget On Fire?
Perhaps! We’ll show you the platform best suited to your brand to get in front of your ideal customers — so you can be certain you aren’t wasting your media spend on tyre-kickers.

The Strangely Simple Secret To Maintaining A Highly Profitable Cost Per Acquisition At Mass Scale…
If you have hired many agencies who couldn’t scale your ads without the cost per new customer blowing out… We’ll show you the commonly overlooked reason why this happens, and how to fix it fast.

However, if you want a genuine marketing strategy, that will attract more customers for less. Help you shatter revenue plateaus. And scale your business faster, and easier than ever before…
Slam that button below with your right index finger. Claim your free, no-obligation marketing plan from one of the co-founders of Veritas Digital.And in no time at all, you’ll be shattering revenue targets you’ve never thought possible.
But don’t take our word for it, let us prove it to you by delivering a wildly profitable marketing plan in-advance which you can examine with your own two beautiful eyes. Go for it… hit the button, we know you want to.
And Get Roadmap To More Customers Hand Made By The Co-Founder Of Australia’s #1 Boutique Marketing Agency
It’s easy for us to talk the talk, but can we walk the walk? Hmmm good Q! I’ll pass the mic to Nick for his unfiltered opinion on these calls…

We had the pleasure of discussing our digital strategy plan with the one and only Lachie Pior, (Co Founder – Veritas Digital). Lachie was a breathe of fresh air to say the least. Unlike so many other agencies that we have approached, Lachie was straight to the point, extremely informative and gave us many valuable tips in our initial conversation. We cant wait to work closely with Lachie and the team at Veritas Digital. Real people, providing real solutions. Thank you Lachie…
Your Free No-Obligation Marketing Plan Will Be Hand Made By The Mad Scientist Uhm… We Mean Co-Founder Of Veritas Digital, Lachie Pior.

Yes, that’s my awkward face super glued to the body of a mad scientist. Why? Because that’s how I feel when inventing new ways to flood your business with a tidal wave of customers… *insert mad scientist laugh here*
Hey there friend, my name’s Lachie Pior and I’m one of the co-founders of Veritas Digital. My partner Lucas and I started Veritas Digital just over 3-years ago because we worked in all the biggest agencies in the country…
And they absolutely sucked eggs!
Trust me, I could fill a book with complaints about how they overpromise, and undeliver. But that’s old news. I’m here to talk about you. Specifically, what I’m going to do for you, your brand and your blindingly-bright future.
You see, when you claim your free strategy session below, you will be hopping on a phone call or Zoom (whichever you prefer) with myself. Not a sales rep…
In fact, at Veritas Digital we do not have any sales reps!
Our entire company is built off the back of delivering remarkable outcomes for our clients. Which is why even though we don’t have any lock in contracts. We still have a 98.9% month-to-month retention rate.
Anyways, that’s all to say I’m looking forward to personally saying, Helloooo! Hearing all about your brand. And putting the time and energy into creating a truly unique marketing plan.
Which will help you achieve revenue targets you previously thought were impossible. Just like I’ve done for so many brands before you.
And Get Roadmap To More Customers Hand Made By The Co-Founder Of Australia’s #1 Boutique Marketing Agency

“Is There A Single Trustworthy Soul In The Entire Advertising Industry?”
Yes, but don’t take our word for it. Here’s a few switched on founders who already ‘dry tested’ us for you.

We had the pleasure of discussing our digital strategy plan with the one and only Lachie Pior, (Co Founder – Veritas Digital). Lachie was a breathe of fresh air to say the least. Unlike so many other agencies that we have approached, Lachie was straight to the point, extremely informative and gave us many valuable tips in our initial conversation. We cant wait to work closely with Lachie and the team at Veritas Digital. Real people, providing real solutions. Thank you Lachie…

Attentive to customer needs, professional approach, subject matter experts, clear track record of success, loads of value shared on introductory calls

I found Lachie to be very knowledgeable and helpful. I would recommend having a chat to him if you need help with your online marketing needs!

Left the zoom chat with a direction for the business. Knowledge of the market and resources available is outstanding!

I had chat with Lachie this morning. He helped me define specific goals and achievable ways to reach them.

Connecting with Lachie today has made me rethink my strategy and given me the boost I need to start really growing my business. His advice was spot on (and actionable), and he took the time to consider my unique situation. Thanks Lachie, I look forward to keeping in touch and hopefully working with you in the future!

Great call from Lachie at Veritas today. He actually called me smack on time, with adequate communication before hand about the meeting. Lots of great advice and lit a fire under my arse. Cheers Lachie

Veritas services weren’t suited to my business, but they were very upfront and transparent about what they could offer and were forthcoming with advice for alternative avenues that might better suit.

Had a great discovery call with co-founder Lachie Prior who explained his business services and offered some great bonus tips on maximising my new online business. While I’m not Veritas Digital’s ideal client today, Lachie gave me a free 20 – 30 minutes of great business building advice which will hold them in great sted for when I do need digital marketing. 5 star service!
We Get Industry Leading Results Because We Pay More To Recruit World Class Talent And Never Give Them More Work Than They Can Handle, Here’s Proof.
If This Isn’t The Most Exciting, Goosebump Giving And Brutally Honest Marketing Plan You Ever Feast Your Eyes On, I’ll Send You A Free Box Of Krispy Kreme Donuts!

Let’s call a spade a spade, shall we? This is a shameless, and delicious bribe to get you to claim a free marketing plan, so we can prove our awesomeness (and yes, I’ll actually send you donuts if this ain’t the damn sexiest strategy you have ever seen!)
Do ya know what sucks?… Every single agency proposal you have ever received. Am I right, or am I right? Trust me, I get it. I used to cringe so hard every time I saw a sales rep send one out, that I still have crows feet.
Which is why I’ve never created a templated proposal. Slapped a logo on top. Then made a big song and dance as to why someone should give us money. That ain’t how we roll baby…
Instead, I’m going to spend the first few minutes of our casual chat listening to you. I mean reallyyyyy closely (but not in a weird way). In a friend who wants to get you the best birthday present ever kinda way.
Then I’m going to cook up a killer marketing plan based on what really matters to you. And what strategies we know are working best right now. Then instead of sugar coating it with best case scenarios…
I’m Gonna Absolutely Drench It With A Gigantic Bucket Full Of Brutal Honesty!

Have I still got your attention? Fantastic! The muppet gif worked. Now keep reading amigo. This next bit is critically important…
Yep, I’m going to quench your thirst for candor with a fresh glass of brutal honesty. So you leave our short time together, with a unique step-by-step marketing plan you are certain will work, to achieve realistically set expectations.
Because growing your business doesn’t have to feel like some painful obstacle course. Where you are jumping from agency to agency, trying not to get burned alive.
It can actually be very simple, easy (and dare I say fun?!). When you have a marketing plan that’s tailor made for your business. By someone who cares more about getting you a result in-advance, than lining their own pockets.
However, until we chat, this is all just words on a screen. Mere pixels which can’t prove a thing! So don’t commit to anything right now. Simply click the button below and claim a free no-obligation plan…
It may just be the smartest move you ever make.
And Get Roadmap To More Customers Hand Made By The Co-Founder Of Australia’s #1 Boutique Marketing Agency
PS. Did You Just Skip To The End To Find Out What This All About?
Alrighty then eager beaver… Here’s the TL;DR version.
We are a boutique digital marketing agency who specializes in making business owners more moolah…
How? By using the same unique marketing formula we used to generate over 235MM in sales for our clients, who are some of the countries fastest growing brands.
And right now, I’d like to offer you a free no-obligation marketing plan based on the same customer acquisition framework we are implementing for these industry leaders…
So,you can scale your company, shatter revenue targets and enjoy growing your brand. ever again. Without wasting time and finances on trial and error
P.P.S. If This Call Is Sooo Valuable, Why Are You Giving It Away For Free?
Geezus… Still reading aye? You are a tough cookie compadre. But I get it. You have questions! Luckily I have answers…
Firstly, this is NOT some sales pitch in disguise. You will be speaking with myself, one of the co-founders of Veritas Digital, Lachie Pior, not a sales rep.
Secondly, there’s 2 reasons we are giving away free, no-obligation marketing plans tailored to your brand (which actually work btw!).
Reason #1) We worked in the top agencies in the country, and we know they suck so bad it can make you want to rip your hair out!
If you’ve worked with one of these agencies, you know how it goes. Speak with a sales rep who smells of commission-breathe. They over promise and sell you the dream…
You get handballed to a rookie account manager whose entire vocabulary is limited to…
“Umm I Think We Just Need One More Month To Get You Results…”

That’s me everytime I hear some clueless account manager say they just need one more month of someone’s hard earned money before they see results.
Then to make matters worse… Your campaign gets dropped on a 40k/yr employees desk who just got out of university. You burn a heap of money on ads which never produce a return.
You try to stick in there because they tell you “It takes time to see results”. But after a few more months. You eventually call it quits and swear you will never hire an agency again.
Yep, Clearly We Get It!
We were on the other side of that, and it sucked for us too. That’s why we founded Veritas Digital. We are a boutique marketing firm of specialists. No sales people…
Just a small building full of outcome-achieving experts who work tirelessly to break records. We are here to revolutionize the standard of digital advertising.
And I’d like to show you how we are doing it for free, without any obligation on your behalf. Simply claim your session now.
Pssst. Just click this link, it’s easy as pie.
Reason #2) Some clients are so impressed with the complimentary marketing plan we design for them, they ask us to implement it.
We’ll hand you a tailor-made marketing plan, so detailed, you will be genuinely shocked we’ve gone to this amount of effort for free.
In fact, our FREE marketing plans are more comprehensive than most of the strategies you pay for at other agencies, and we are happy to prove it.
Once we deliver your marketing plan on a silver platter, you have two easy options.
Firstly, you can implement the strategy by yourself, or with your own internal media buying team. If that’s what you choose, amazing! We encourage it, and we’ll even offer friendly advice on how to do it as best as possible.
Once we deliver your marketing plan on a silver platter, you have two easyoptions.
Secondly, if we are both the right fit for each other, we can explore the idea of our team executing the strategy on your behalf. So you can do absolutely nothing. Sit back, and relax. The way an agency should run. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! We can talk about that wayyyyyyy down the road if all the stars align.
Right now…
It’s all about you getting a clear step-by-step marketing plan which you can use to grow your brand, and shatter your goals for 2022.
So click the button below to secure your free session before my calendar fills up, and I look forward to meeting you soon.
And Get Roadmap To More Customers Hand Made By The Co-Founder Of Australia’s #1 Boutique Marketing Agency

Had a great discovery call with co-founder Lachie Prior who explained his business services and offered some great bonus tips on maximising my new online business.
While I’m not Veritas Digital’s ideal client today, Lachie gave me a free 20 – 30 minutes of great business building advice which will hold them in great sted for when I do need digital marketing.
5 star service!
I know you have already read Greg’s review… But this dude was a true legend. Goes the extra mile to create amazing products. And we had an absolute blast! So imma just leave it here (in a final attempt to get you to click that life-changing button!)